Recycle Your Brass Shell Casings with WV Cashin

Due to health and political challenges the United States is currently facing, gun sales and concealed carry permits are on the rise. It’s estimated that people have bought 3 million more guns than normal since March. Almost half of all those sales are to first-time gun owners.

With that said, recycling companies and scrapyards are seeking ammunition, like brass shell casings, to be repurposed into other products. The recyclable brass shell casing can be reused several times and assists with manufacturing new ammunition.

West Virginia Cashin Recyclables, a Nitro-based scrapyard, is calling for all hunters, gun range owners, and individuals with concealed carry licenses to bring in spent brass shell casings to its recycling grounds. As of September 23, Cashin is paying $.90/pound on brass shell casings.

Local gun ranges and familiar hunting spots are great places to collect brass cases for recycling purposes — good for the environment and your wallet!

When scrapping rifle brass cautious safety measures must be followed. Make sure you have checked each and every shell as recycling live ammunition poses serious danger to people’s life and health. Another point to pay attention to when preparing scrap cases is their metal composition. Brass ones must be separated from their iron and aluminum shells. It’s recommended to clean the casings and get rid of any dirt, soil, or grass, as it will degrade their quality and therefore their financial value.

WV Cashin accepts old vehicles, appliances, paper, and various non-ferrous, such as aluminum, brass, copper, mixed metals, and radiators.

For more information on accepted materials or operations, call WV Cashin at 304-755-5187.

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